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Tell our legislators IT'S TIME
for phone and social-media free schools in VT!

Show up at the statehouse on Wed. Feb.  26th
9am-1pm (come for any part)
Kids welcome!

Student Voices:
Phone-Free School experience  overwhelmingly positive

Thetford Academy students have phones locked during their full school day. They made this video  to inspire legislators to pass H54/S21 (Phone & Social Media Free Schools)


Join us at the State House Feb 26 9am - 1pm

RSVP and details HERE

We are grassroots movement of educators, students, parents, grandparents, health care providers, legislators, and neighbors advocating for a phone and social-media free school day for all Vermont schools. These policies increase academic focus, improve mental health and cultivate stronger social cohesion.

Increase academic

72% of high school teachers report that cell phones are a major distraction in the classroom. Common Sense Media found that teenagers receive a median of 273

texts or other notifications a day, with nearly a quarter coming during school hours.² Some students get up to 4500 daily.

Improve mental health

"I can breathe again," a student at Thetford Academy told her principal early into this school year's phone-free school day.

A Young Man in the Library
High School Friends

Increase social cohesion

Phone-free schools notice more face-to-face conversations.


Cases of bullying (a big drain on staff time) tend to decrease by nearly 50%. One VT school saw HHB cases (hazing, harassment, and bullying) go down 77% in their first phone-free semester! 


On Jan. 29, 2025 Rep. Angela Arsenault  introduced the Phone and Social Media-Free Schools bill (H.54) to the House Committee on Education. She did a great job explaining why this is so urgent even while we wrestle with the big question of education funding in VT. It's very informative and inspiring. Click here to play the video.

Tell our legislators IT'S TIME
for phone and social-media free schools in VT! 

Recording of the Zoom meeting from the House Committee on Education on Jan. 29, 2025.
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